Over/under totals Hockey Betting Strategy


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the over/under totals hockey betting strategy. In this article, we will explore the key elements of this strategy and provide you with insights on how to improve your chances of success when placing bets on hockey games.

Understanding Over/Under Totals

Over/under totals, also known as “totals betting,” is a popular form of wagering in which you predict the combined score of both teams in a hockey game. The sportsbook sets a specific number, and as a bettor, you must decide whether the total goals scored will be over or under that number.

Factors to Consider

When implementing the over/under totals hockey betting strategy, it is crucial to analyze various factors to make informed decisions. Here are some key considerations:

Team Offense and Defense

Assess the scoring ability of the teams involved. Look at their average goals per game, their power play efficiency, and the quality of their offensive lines. Additionally, evaluate their defensive capabilities and goaltending performances.

Head-to-Head Matchups

Review the historical data of previous matchups between the teams. Look for patterns or trends that might indicate high or low-scoring games.

Injury Updates

Stay informed about any key players who might be injured or unavailable for the game. Absences can significantly impact a team’s offensive or defensive capabilities.

Real-Life Examples

Let’s dive into a couple of real-life examples to better understand how the over/under totals hockey betting strategy can be applied:

Example 1: Edmonton Oilers vs. Toronto Maple Leafs

In this matchup, both teams have a strong offense and average more than three goals per game. Additionally, their defensive performances have been inconsistent lately. Considering the high-scoring potential, the over bet on the total goals might be a viable option.

Example 2: Boston Bruins vs. New York Islanders

These teams have a history of low-scoring games due to their strong defensive systems and excellent goaltending. Analyzing their head-to-head matchups reveals a trend of games ending with fewer than five goals. Hence, the under bet on the total goals could be a suitable choice.


The over/under totals hockey betting strategy requires thorough analysis of teams’ offensive and defensive capabilities, head-to-head matchups, and injury updates. By considering these factors and leveraging real-life examples, bettors can make more informed decisions when placing their bets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I find historical data on head-to-head matchups?

To find historical data on head-to-head matchups, you can refer to reputable sports statistics websites or utilize specialized sports betting platforms that provide comprehensive team and game analysis.

2. What should I do if a key player gets injured right before the game?

If a key player gets injured shortly before a game, it is advisable to reassess your betting strategy. Determine whether the absence will significantly impact the team’s performance and adjust your betting decision accordingly.

3. Should weather conditions be considered when analyzing over/under totals?

While weather conditions can influence the outcome of a game, they do not directly correlate with over/under totals. Focus on factors such as team offense, defense, and historical data to make decisions on over/under bets.

4. Can I use the over/under totals strategy in other sports?

Absolutely! The over/under totals strategy can be applied to various sports like basketball, soccer, and American football. Adapt the strategy to the specific dynamics and scoring patterns of each sport.

5. Are there any risks associated with over/under totals betting?

As with any form of betting, over/under totals betting carries risks. It requires a thorough understanding of the teams, analysis of various factors, and sound decision-making. Additionally, betting always involves the possibility of losing money, so it is essential to gamble responsibly.